March 21 to June 15, 2023

Our objective was to create a Workshop of popular antifascist graphics, where the invited artists would generate a work with different artistic, social and political collectives of the city of Madrid and other geographies, making visible and creating a space for graphic production, as well as a series of workshops, discussions and records on this common work, which would account for the discourses and stories that are expressed today about the growing advance of extreme right groups
that propagate hate speeches.
This is the reason why we invited the CAPUT Collective formed by Loreto González Barra and Camilo Ortega Prieto, who come from Iquique, Chile; and who after their work with us are touring Latin America with the material created and with other workshops they will conduct. This project in residence called COMPLOT, sought to activate a whole graphic imaginary regarding the different social and political dissidences that are found in the city of Madrid and the whole world, acting and collaborating with a series of local organizations, both from the artistic world as well as the activist world.
The work they carried out was a series of "graphic agitations" in public spaces in Madrid, meetings with collectives, actions in spaces, research and graphic resignification of a series of posters of the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, and a permanent workshop of popular antifascist graphics that they activated in the space from Tuesday to Thursday from 18.00 hrs. where a series of neighbors and agents of different origins were making their graphics and contributing to the set of images that resulted from the residency and that are in the space's Anarchive, in addition to having been reproduced and given as gifts through a typical Andean design (from the collective's area) made with the graphics that contained everything that was made, both for the organizations with which they worked, as well as for a series of artists and artistic collectives that collaborated in the project.
-crisis- conserve- work less to work all- no boss- what do I work for when I don't work- free bodies- racism stop, we are all mestizos- conquered plundered and exploited, five hundred years later everything is still the same- facizmo is are bigotry, hot red, ignorance, racism, scabs, but chers, fight for your class of all colors, not for a boss of any colors- what was here- fascism? No, thank you- hospitality- the antifascist women's group- no, nao, niet, non-antifascist we are always outside but not on the sidelines- against all power, imagination- break the fence- curro, laburo, chamba, pega- migrate is not a crime- it is not time to cry, it is time to act act act act- the revolution is not contained, it is channeled- fascism destroys, destroys fascism- no human being is illegal, regularization now! mani fiesta axion - no pasaran - how much does domestic work cost - all against fazism - give in the callus-
The above phrases are nothing more than graphic agitations, made up by a multitude of people conscious of a critical discourse in relation to the historical advance of fascism in the world.
All of this content was collected and selected through direct and indirect means, by reviewing archives, talking and discussing, observing and feeling the many forms that exist around discrimination.
These expressions move us deeply, generating a commitment to the political ideas they signify. So, as a way to divulge, sensitize and even declaim the disasters that segregation causes to minorities, we raise a collective, uncommon, affective and urgently practical place that will urge us to face the problematic situations that affect humanity.
From this, we built a popular printing press thanks to the contact network that TXP transmitted to us, leading us to agree on thoughts, aesthetics and, of course, reanimating experiences. Those that, in one way or another, allowed us to move forward despite the adverse contexts, because the local and global political situation increasingly pushes us towards a wandering and violent destiny, which often clouds our path, however, there are these other routes that clear us and give us alternatives.
Infinite thanks to all the people who made this project possible, especially TXP for all his time and willingness to do and ignite.
that propagate hate speeches.
This is the reason why we invited the CAPUT Collective formed by Loreto González Barra and Camilo Ortega Prieto, who come from Iquique, Chile; and who after their work with us are touring Latin America with the material created and with other workshops they will conduct. This project in residence called COMPLOT, sought to activate a whole graphic imaginary regarding the different social and political dissidences that are found in the city of Madrid and the whole world, acting and collaborating with a series of local organizations, both from the artistic world as well as the activist world.
The work they carried out was a series of "graphic agitations" in public spaces in Madrid, meetings with collectives, actions in spaces, research and graphic resignification of a series of posters of the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, and a permanent workshop of popular antifascist graphics that they activated in the space from Tuesday to Thursday from 18.00 hrs. where a series of neighbors and agents of different origins were making their graphics and contributing to the set of images that resulted from the residency and that are in the space's Anarchive, in addition to having been reproduced and given as gifts through a typical Andean design (from the collective's area) made with the graphics that contained everything that was made, both for the organizations with which they worked, as well as for a series of artists and artistic collectives that collaborated in the project.
by Caput collective*
-crisis- conserve- work less to work all- no boss- what do I work for when I don't work- free bodies- racism stop, we are all mestizos- conquered plundered and exploited, five hundred years later everything is still the same- facizmo is are bigotry, hot red, ignorance, racism, scabs, but chers, fight for your class of all colors, not for a boss of any colors- what was here- fascism? No, thank you- hospitality- the antifascist women's group- no, nao, niet, non-antifascist we are always outside but not on the sidelines- against all power, imagination- break the fence- curro, laburo, chamba, pega- migrate is not a crime- it is not time to cry, it is time to act act act act- the revolution is not contained, it is channeled- fascism destroys, destroys fascism- no human being is illegal, regularization now! mani fiesta axion - no pasaran - how much does domestic work cost - all against fazism - give in the callus-
The above phrases are nothing more than graphic agitations, made up by a multitude of people conscious of a critical discourse in relation to the historical advance of fascism in the world.
All of this content was collected and selected through direct and indirect means, by reviewing archives, talking and discussing, observing and feeling the many forms that exist around discrimination.
These expressions move us deeply, generating a commitment to the political ideas they signify. So, as a way to divulge, sensitize and even declaim the disasters that segregation causes to minorities, we raise a collective, uncommon, affective and urgently practical place that will urge us to face the problematic situations that affect humanity.
From this, we built a popular printing press thanks to the contact network that TXP transmitted to us, leading us to agree on thoughts, aesthetics and, of course, reanimating experiences. Those that, in one way or another, allowed us to move forward despite the adverse contexts, because the local and global political situation increasingly pushes us towards a wandering and violent destiny, which often clouds our path, however, there are these other routes that clear us and give us alternatives.
Infinite thanks to all the people who made this project possible, especially TXP for all his time and willingness to do and ignite.
Loreto + Camilo. 2023

*Colectivo Caput (CL)
It is a collective of artist-researchers, who seek to set art and culture in motion from transdisciplinary and contemporary processes, with an experimental pedagogy and a collaborative methodology. They propose critical crossings in a horizontal, communitarian, educational and political environment. They will be in charge of developing the Workshop of popular graphics in the space and all the actions related to it.
June 15

To make a public opening of the whole process carried out by CAPUT in its project on antifascist graphics called COMPLOT, they gathered all the own graphics, reinterpreted, sent by collaborators, as well as those made in the open workshops, to set up in the space a sort of living archive that was deployed in a playful way, interacting with the participants. In addition, as always through food, the entire journey, the crossings and links were shared and celebrated, as well as the gratitude through the delivery of a sort of bag/object that contained the graphics created for all those who attended. On the other hand, for those who collaborated, file folders were created with the research and the material created, which were given to the organizations, institutions and specific collectives with whom we worked, to be used in their own instances.
Thus, CAPUT said goodbye to this residency, with much learning absorbed and delivered; and with much desire for COMPLOT to continue in other territories of America with the agents with whom they were linked in Europe.

To learn more about the dishes that CAPUT cooked during his residency, you can go to ︎︎︎︎Recipes
We share with you the log of the main actions and works that the Caput collective carried out during its residency in its COMPLOT project.
Visit the archive of the Fundacion Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL)
22 de marzo 2023
Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo. Calle de las Peñuelas 41. Madrid.
A first visit was made to the FAL, who disseminate and protect libertarian culture, carrying out activities of publishing content and books on anarchism, as well as the preservation of documentation related to the union to which it belongs, the National Confederation of Labor (CNT). We had access to part of its archive to meet the managers who run it and to be able to collaborate mutually, which implied that the Foundation gave the residents a space to investigate its archive.

Visit to the workshop of the graphic designer Julio Cubillos.
March 24, 2023
3 Conde de Vista Hermosa Street. Madrid
The project consists of generating networks of collaboration and diffusion with agents in Madrid who work from the graphic arts. For this reason we went to know the workshop of Julio Cubillos, his work, the space, establishing the loans of material that he would make in the future to carry out the project.
March 24, 2023
3 Conde de Vista Hermosa Street. Madrid
The project consists of generating networks of collaboration and diffusion with agents in Madrid who work from the graphic arts. For this reason we went to know the workshop of Julio Cubillos, his work, the space, establishing the loans of material that he would make in the future to carry out the project.

Visit to CAR (Centro de acercamiento a lo rural) of Inland Campo Adentro
March 29, 2023
4 Buen Gobernador street, Madrid.
During this visit, a riso printer was loaned by CAR for the CAPUT collective to carry out its residency of popular antifascist graphics. We took the opportunity to see the place and the wool workshops that were taking place at that time.

Coordination meetings with Todo por la Praxis
Various dates during the residency
Espacio de Todo
Throughout the residency, several meetings were held to coordinate and manage the different actions, scheduling and agreeing on the multiple collaborations between the two groups for the development of the project. Caput decides the name of the project: COMPLOT.
Various dates during the residency
Espacio de Todo
Throughout the residency, several meetings were held to coordinate and manage the different actions, scheduling and agreeing on the multiple collaborations between the two groups for the development of the project. Caput decides the name of the project: COMPLOT.

Visit to "Autozine 2". Festival of graphic self-publishing.
April 1 and 2, 2023
Nueva Numancia Market. Madrid.
It was very important to coincide with this festival, because the collective was able to meet different graphic creators from Vallecas and other places in Madrid, as well as from other cities in Spain, with whom to dialogue and invite them to attend the antifascist graphic workshops, exchange material, and receive their submissions to print and disseminate them.
April 1 and 2, 2023
Nueva Numancia Market. Madrid.
It was very important to coincide with this festival, because the collective was able to meet different graphic creators from Vallecas and other places in Madrid, as well as from other cities in Spain, with whom to dialogue and invite them to attend the antifascist graphic workshops, exchange material, and receive their submissions to print and disseminate them.

Meeting with graphic artist Gigi, and with other possible collaborators
April 3, 2023
Espacio de Todo
(I´m the other)
April 3, 2023
Espacio de Todo
(I´m the other)

Visit to the Cañada Real Galiana / Asociación Tabadol

Field work: Attendance to a Rayo Vallekano soccer match.

Organization of the first meeting to convene collaborators of the COMPLOT project on popular antifascist graphics.
April 10 to 14, 2023
Espacio de Todo
During the week, the Collective was dedicated to organizing, designing and printing some welcome graphics, as well as designing posters for dissemination, in preparation for the first COMPLOT meeting in which they invited different collaborators from the world of art, graphics and social organizations to join COMPLOT and work from different knowledge and meeting places. They were also designing the image of the project, as well as preparing material for other actions that would take place on the weekend of April 15 and 16.

Visit and meeting at La Parcería
April 12, 2023
La Parcería

Anti-fascist voting
April 15, 2023
La Parcería
First activity of graphic agitation of the CAPUT collective in the framework of the COMPLOT project. This time they set up with a voting box, through a game that invited everyone to participate and vote. All the elements of the game were designed and produced by the collective. The action took place within the framework of YeYe's Graphic Workshop, a Colombian graphic artist who invited the collective to explain the action and the project so that both workshop participants and the general public in the cultural space could participate and later join COMPLOT.

Invitation: activity to participate in COMPLOT / antifascist cookbook
April 16, 2023
Espacio de Todo
As a first instance to bring together the agents connected to date by the collective to collaborate in the different stages and actions of COMPLOT, a lunch was invited to share. A "convite" (as they say to this kind of invitations in Latin America) to organize and exchange artistic practices through food. In this opportunity the Collective presented its work, its book for the 10 years of actions it has been carrying out, cooked typical food of its territory, and after eating, with the same material we used (plates, napkins), deployed a series of tools for each participant to raise ideas for an antifascist recipe book: What ingredients would the food have? How would it be cooked? The participants became active and made many images that were then part of the collective creative process. Artistic agents, collectives, neighborhood organizations and agents of territorial practices in general participated.

Schedule of activities / Invitation
April 20, 2023
Espacio de Todo
In order to organize the series of activities of the COMPLOT project, both visits, internal work and open activities in which a series of agents, collectives and organizations are invited to collaborate, CAPUT designed a calendar of activities to disseminate, where permanent workshops in the space, street agitations and other actions are indicated. This allowed us to have an orderly flow of participants and thus make the organization of the residency effective.

April 22, 2023
Espacio de Todo

Visit to Museo en Red
April 27, 2023
Reina Sofia National Museum and Art Center (MNCARS)

Visit to the organization Dragones de Lavapiés
Abril 27, 2023
Dragones de Lavapiés soccer field and office

Work with archive Anselmo Lorenzo / Preparation of the first street shake / Permanent workshops
April 24 to May 20, 2023
Espacio de Todo
April 24 to May 20, 2023
Espacio de Todo

May Day Manifestation: Antifascist Refuge
May 1, 2023
Vistillas Gardens, Madrid.
As part of the collaboration with the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, its archive managers, who facilitated CAPUT's research work for the COMPLOT project, invited them to set up the shelter at the rally they were part of along with several organizations of the National Workers' Central (CNT). It was the first day that the shelter was used, under which the press was set up for live printing, and a table with all the graphics produced to date to be given to the demonstrators to use and disseminate. The shelter invited to gather a series of artistic agents, social organizations, and to generate links with them, such as with the group "Regularización ya", to whom a special graphic was created for "La plaza de los pueblos", who invited the collective to an activity of their own.
May 1, 2023
Vistillas Gardens, Madrid.
As part of the collaboration with the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, its archive managers, who facilitated CAPUT's research work for the COMPLOT project, invited them to set up the shelter at the rally they were part of along with several organizations of the National Workers' Central (CNT). It was the first day that the shelter was used, under which the press was set up for live printing, and a table with all the graphics produced to date to be given to the demonstrators to use and disseminate. The shelter invited to gather a series of artistic agents, social organizations, and to generate links with them, such as with the group "Regularización ya", to whom a special graphic was created for "La plaza de los pueblos", who invited the collective to an activity of their own.

Antifascist Refuge: Disclosure of the archive of the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation for Libertarian Studies.
May 10, 2023
Plaza de Peñuelas, in front of the Foundation.
May 10, 2023
Plaza de Peñuelas, in front of the Foundation.

Anti-racist soccer tournament
Activity organized together with Dragones de Lavapiés, where the shelter was installed. CAPUT designed and produced by hand more than 100 t-shirts to give away to different teams within the organization, and above all to play soccer with the jerseys, cheer the matches, share typical soccer food (as in Chile) and generate links with the stories that the COMPLOT project installs from this sport.

CAPUT toured a number of places in Vallecas and generated links with agents who live there. One of these links was with the artist Coco Guzman and his partner Claudia Bernardi who make up the collective Lxs hijxs del mal. With them they devised this graphic activation that sought to unveil the true story about housing and precariousness under the hills of Las Siete tetas park: self-built houses that were demolished and whose inhabitants were evicted. Through a performance that invited to dialogue about this history, the installation of the shelter and a participatory process of narrating stories related to the park, it was possible to act and re-signify the true history of the place, together with those who live in the park.