[Platform for research and artistic production]
︎︎︎ Barrionalismo [Neighborhoodnalism]
︎︎︎ Coyuntura en obra [Juncture at work]
︎︎︎ Otro(s)ures [Other(s)ouths]
︎︎︎ Techo sostenido [Sustained Roof]
︎︎︎ Anarchivo [Anarchive]
︎︎︎ Recetas [Recipes]
︎︎︎ Other residences

[Platform for research and artistic production]
︎︎︎ Barrionalismo [Neighborhoodnalism]
︎︎︎ Coyuntura en obra [Juncture at work]
︎︎︎ Otro(s)ures [Other(s)ouths]
︎︎︎ Techo sostenido [Sustained Roof]
︎︎︎ Anarchivo [Anarchive]
︎︎︎ Recetas [Recipes]
︎︎︎ Other residences

This platform takes as a reference the southern geolocation of Madrid, where the space is located, to build a relationship that conceptually permeates artistic and research practices. Its line of work as a curatorial base, from which the annual curatorships or by cycles are generated, raises the notion of south, as a symbolic condition to be questioned from different types of contemporary art projects. We want to ask ourselves what it means to be south, who is south, and why the binary determinations associated with the globally installed term. This is the origin of the different programming cycles, which in this case, are born from the own research and creations of our collective Todo por la Praxis. The actions generated through this type of programming aim to produce an aesthetic and critical reflection that explores a type of decentralization of thought, promoting other relationships and results between artistic agents with diverse discourses and places of enunciation.
The elements that converge here allow for a territorial and symbolic power that nourishes the investigative and creative practice of both the collective and our guests.
Under four working modalities that are directly related to specific spaces located within the Espacio de Todo, the results that operate under this curatorial line are being configured: Barrionalismos [Neighborhoodnalism]; Coyuntura en obra [Juncture at work]; Otro(s)ures [Other(s)ouths], Techo Sostenido [Sustained Roof] and Anarchivo [Anarchive]. The working mechanism are residencies and/or research and production projects, which work through invitations that depend on public support for the space, or hosting projects that are of interest to this conceptual framework, and that have their own funding.
Food, as part of the sharing of these processes, is a transversal element that allows us to think together, conversing our cultural and identity practices in order to strengthen their collective critical capacity. That is why we have instituted that all the processes and results are crossed by the cuisine that both we and our guests prepare and share to reflect on the projects we carry out.
︎︎︎“The Bad Club Herbs”
Giving a symbolic value to weeds, underbrush or arvense, constitutes an analogy to what it implies to build a utopian future around other ways of living and resisting the hegemonic culture. The modes of classification that have been established throughout Western history constitute a single truth about how things are designated, from a colonizing perspective of thought. One of these modes is represented in the way in which plants that interrupt the productive and industrial function of agriculture are pointed out. The "weed" is described in dictionaries as a plant that spreads wildly, whose presence tarnishes human desires to sustain an official system by representing it in a crop, garden, lawn, sidewalk, and other spaces. Its ironic definition even carries over into the logic of the bad person who must cease to exist or who costs it to die. Its binary condition around good and evil, reaffirms the dominant construction of language that builds certain narratives.
If we subvert its meaning, and we place ourselves on the side of the weeds with a political perspective and counter-narrative, the weeds represent us: we want to be the resistance, the radicality, those who do not go according to human desires under the order of capital, those who seek to regenerate that which has been intervened by a neoliberal system.
This programming cycle is an invitation to join a club that pays homage to dissidence from the analogy between what we want to be as a collective and what we seek to generate as a space, as weeds, around our curatorial approach. A club that is not normative and that, above all, does not correspond to the productivity expected by the official model, both social and artistic, that constructs and controls our subjectivities. We want to hack that dominant way of thinking through the articulation of those of us who feel like a weed, and want to act like one. The weed represents us. It is the code under which we symbolize our desires as space. We are that paradigm that seeks to deconstruct hegemony in order to problematize our existence. We insist on existing as we want to exist: from the collective and radical imagination.
“Bad Herbs garden” is the art work that we, as Todo por la Praxis Collective, have made to conceptually account for the program of this new cycle, within the framework of the exhibition "Todo lo demás" at CentroCentro Cibeles, which brought together 20 contemporary creation spaces in Madrid, among which Espacio de Todo was exhibited. This installation is a garden elaborated as a parterre, where a central monument is located, alluding to the words said in October 2022 by the Head of European diplomacy in Spain, in which he points out the difference between Europe as a garden and the "rest" of the world as a jungle. This metaphor led us to relate the idea of spontaneous jungle, untamed and rustic, with the notion of spontaneous weeds, and we elaborated a counter-category of weeds that are located among the plants of the garden, the same ones that apparently are the ones that narratively threaten what Europe wants to be, both politically and racially.
The elements that converge here allow for a territorial and symbolic power that nourishes the investigative and creative practice of both the collective and our guests.
Under four working modalities that are directly related to specific spaces located within the Espacio de Todo, the results that operate under this curatorial line are being configured: Barrionalismos [Neighborhoodnalism]; Coyuntura en obra [Juncture at work]; Otro(s)ures [Other(s)ouths], Techo Sostenido [Sustained Roof] and Anarchivo [Anarchive]. The working mechanism are residencies and/or research and production projects, which work through invitations that depend on public support for the space, or hosting projects that are of interest to this conceptual framework, and that have their own funding.
Food, as part of the sharing of these processes, is a transversal element that allows us to think together, conversing our cultural and identity practices in order to strengthen their collective critical capacity. That is why we have instituted that all the processes and results are crossed by the cuisine that both we and our guests prepare and share to reflect on the projects we carry out.
︎︎︎“The Bad Club Herbs”
2022 - 2023 program
Giving a symbolic value to weeds, underbrush or arvense, constitutes an analogy to what it implies to build a utopian future around other ways of living and resisting the hegemonic culture. The modes of classification that have been established throughout Western history constitute a single truth about how things are designated, from a colonizing perspective of thought. One of these modes is represented in the way in which plants that interrupt the productive and industrial function of agriculture are pointed out. The "weed" is described in dictionaries as a plant that spreads wildly, whose presence tarnishes human desires to sustain an official system by representing it in a crop, garden, lawn, sidewalk, and other spaces. Its ironic definition even carries over into the logic of the bad person who must cease to exist or who costs it to die. Its binary condition around good and evil, reaffirms the dominant construction of language that builds certain narratives.
If we subvert its meaning, and we place ourselves on the side of the weeds with a political perspective and counter-narrative, the weeds represent us: we want to be the resistance, the radicality, those who do not go according to human desires under the order of capital, those who seek to regenerate that which has been intervened by a neoliberal system.
This programming cycle is an invitation to join a club that pays homage to dissidence from the analogy between what we want to be as a collective and what we seek to generate as a space, as weeds, around our curatorial approach. A club that is not normative and that, above all, does not correspond to the productivity expected by the official model, both social and artistic, that constructs and controls our subjectivities. We want to hack that dominant way of thinking through the articulation of those of us who feel like a weed, and want to act like one. The weed represents us. It is the code under which we symbolize our desires as space. We are that paradigm that seeks to deconstruct hegemony in order to problematize our existence. We insist on existing as we want to exist: from the collective and radical imagination.

“Bad Herbs garden” is the art work that we, as Todo por la Praxis Collective, have made to conceptually account for the program of this new cycle, within the framework of the exhibition "Todo lo demás" at CentroCentro Cibeles, which brought together 20 contemporary creation spaces in Madrid, among which Espacio de Todo was exhibited. This installation is a garden elaborated as a parterre, where a central monument is located, alluding to the words said in October 2022 by the Head of European diplomacy in Spain, in which he points out the difference between Europe as a garden and the "rest" of the world as a jungle. This metaphor led us to relate the idea of spontaneous jungle, untamed and rustic, with the notion of spontaneous weeds, and we elaborated a counter-category of weeds that are located among the plants of the garden, the same ones that apparently are the ones that narratively threaten what Europe wants to be, both politically and racially.
“Europe is a garden. The rest of the world is a jungle and the jungle can invade the garden”