
A mediation residency whose objective is to work with the collective identities of the neighbourhoods through a direct exercise with local organisations and agents. The idea is to generate a permanent space for collaborative creation with the environment, based on the geographical and symbolic articulation of being located in the south of Madrid. The interest in opening this area of work arises from the sustained relationship that TXP has had with some of these neighbourhoods. The aim is to maintain the relations of dialogue through art with the agents that exist and with whom we have worked over the years, as well as to build new articulations with those that emerge, opening up the possibility of our artistic work contributes to a symbolic redistribution that involves making other narratives visible. This implies making a connection between these social spaces with mediating artists and researchers from where a series of processes can emerge in context.

"El barrio es nuestro" public sculpture by Todo por la Praxis in the Palomeras Bajas neighbourhood of Vallecas, Madrid. Year 2012



March 21 to June 21, 2023

Our objective was to create a Workshop of popular antifascist graphics, where the invited artists would generate a work with different artistic, social and political collectives of the city of Madrid and other geographies, making visible and creating a space for graphic production, as well as a series of workshops, discussions and records on this common work, which would account for the discourses and stories that are expressed today about the growing advance of extreme right groups
that propagate hate speeches.

This is the reason why we invited the CAPUT Collective formed by Loreto González Barra and Camilo Ortega Prieto, who come from Iquique, Chile; and who after their work with us are touring Latin America with the material created and with other workshops they will conduct. This project in residence called COMPLOT, sought to activate a whole graphic imaginary regarding the different social and political dissidences that are found in the city of Madrid and the whole world, acting and collaborating with a series of local organizations, both from the artistic world as well as the activist world.

The work they carried out was a series of "graphic agitations" in public spaces in Madrid, meetings with collectives, actions in spaces, research and graphic resignification of a series of posters of the Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation, and a permanent workshop of popular antifascist graphics that they activated in the space from Tuesday to Thursday from 18.00 hrs. where a series of neighbors and agents of different origins were making their graphics and contributing to the set of images that resulted from the residency and that are in the space's Anarchive, in addition to having been reproduced and given as gifts through a typical Andean design (from the collective's area) made with the graphics that contained everything that was made, both for the organizations with which they worked, as well as for a series of artists and artistic collectives that collaborated in the project.

︎︎︎URBAN MUTATIONS. An approach to gentrification processes in Vallekas.


December 1, 2022 to Febrary 5, 2023

This residency project by Sergio Cabrera (ESP)* aimed at threading together discourses from the peripheries of the image that would confront and image that would confront and encourage debate on the debate on the problems of gentrification gentrification, generating a critical reflection on these processes in the different neighbourhoods of Vallecas.




October 3 to 29 ,2022

During a month of residence, Cecilia Coddou (CL)* and Fernanda Radetich (ARG)* together with different people reviewed the historical/cultural archive of the neighborhood of Vallecas. From meetings with neighbors and with different cultural agents of the city of Madrid, they activated exercises of territorial recognition and sharing of some stories that form the identity of the neighborhood.



July 1 to 31 ,2021

Como primera residencia del Espacio de Todo, invitamos a la artista y mediadora Elena Blesa Cábez (ESP)* a realizar esta investigación durante un mes, quien trabajó con el entorno de Vallecas. El siguiente es un texto escrito por la residente que cuenta el proceso de trabajo, acompañado de imágenes del mismo. 

Photography by Antonio R. Montesinos for the proyect “En Potencia - l´Hopitalet”

© Todo por la Praxis

              Calle Manuel Laguna 19 CP 28018
Madrid. España

︎ espaciodetxp@gmail.com